About us

SF6 Gas Supplier

Name of Product

Sulphur Hexafluoride - (SF6 gas)

Brief Description

Sulphur hexafluoride is a nontoxic, inert, insulating and cooling gas of high dielectric strength and thermal stability.

The excellent arc-quenching and insulating properties of Sulphur hexafluoride have permitted the construction of completely new types of high-voltage circuit breakers and switching stations.

User Industries

It is particularly suitable for application in both high-voltage and medium-high voltage power circuit breakers as well as in high-voltage cables, transformers, transducers, particle and electron accelerators, X-ray equipment and UHF transmission systems and as an etching and chamber cleaning gas in the semiconductor industry.

SF6 is also used in medical technology: for example as a contrast agent in ultrasonic examinations as well as in ophthalmology, pneumonectomy and diseases of the middle ear, e.g. treating loss of hearing in middle ear infections.

Principal / Supplier

Solvay Chemicals Germany